Wednesday, November 10, 2010

America's Heartland

After an incredibly exciting two weeks off (which were filled with classroom visits, teaching, practicing, and family and friends), we're back on the road very briefly.
Five shows in five days.  And because these five shows are in Iowa and Nebraska, I'm choosing to affectionately call this tour the "America's Heartland 2010" tour.  

[...too cheesy?  Probably.]

Yesterday we kicked off AH 2010 with a big drive from Chicago, IL (that's where our truck was waiting for us), to Burlington, IA.  And while I forgot to bring my camera in the car with me, I did have my cell phone (which, I'm discovering, actually takes fairly decent pictures for being an older phone).

Most of the drive looked like this:

We stopped and ate lunch, quite randomly, in Dixon, IL, which takes an extraordinary amount of pride in being Ronald Reagan's birthplace.

And, perhaps most indicative of much of this region, there are many trains and silos.

I was hoping to see some corn fields here in Iowa, but I just googled "corn season" and learned that it has, unfortunately, passed (yesterday's scant crops hinted at this).  Oh well.

Off to Des Moines!

1 comment:

Josephine said...

Your blog looks spiffy. Nice redesign!