Thursday, November 11, 2010

America's Heartland, cont.

Yesterday on our drive to Des Moines, I was able to grab just a few more snapshots of driving in the heartland.  And due to the overcast weather, everything was just a little bit more beautiful.

The Capitol in Des Moines, Iowa.
In other news, last night my E string popped during the show on the very first note it plays.  Not in the hour I was practicing before the show, not when I was tuning back stage prior, but right when we ran out for "Old Joe Clark" and I started playing the melody (which begins on an open E string).

...really, E string?!  The first note?!

Having a string pop in your face during a performance will never not be shocking.  Thankfully, however, that's why we have a spare violin (whose name is "Joanne") waiting backstage.  [It's true: we have named our spare violin.  Why?  Why not!  And she has even has this name to the extent that we actually use her name in passing, e.g., "Joanne is right next to Ted's monitor desk," "Yeah, my E string popped so I had to go grab Joanne," etc.]

Thanks, Joanne!

Off to Omaha, Nebraska -- my 44th state with Barrage!

1 comment:

Allyson & Jere said...

Well thank goodness for ol' Joanne saving the day. Total bummer about the popped e string. But I DID enjoy your letter to the ol' e string.

Glad you're enjoying the heartland. Looking forward to seeing you for longer than 5 minutes when you get home.