Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pura Vida!: It's no wonder why Costa Rica's economy is based on tourism.

When we arrived in San Jose, we really had no concept of where we were actually located in relation to the city. The next morning we come to find out at breakfast that our hotel is in the heart of downtown, on the main drag.

Charlie and I made a friend.

Markets in San Jose are just a little bit different than your average American grocery store.

We started our time there by filming a television spot at a local dance studio. If I remember correctly, this is the second TV spot I've done for Barrage (the first was last fall in South Carolina). If you're not used to performing for a wall with a couple people (reporters) and a camera man standing in front of it, it's a strange experience...and then the camera man moves in on you while you're playing and you have to continue pretending that there's an audience against the wall.

After that we took a tour of the National Theatre, where we'd be performing the following night. It's a pretty incredible facility--my pictures can't really do it justice.

But now, the pictures of things about which I'm most frequently asked: a canopy tour and whitewater rafting.

They conveniently forgot to tell us the canopy tour starts with 1-2 mile extreme-incline hike up the side of a mountain...

Sarah's ready to go.

Descending from a platform.

Here's the valley in which we rafted.

This valley purportedly grows some of the best coffee beans in Costa Rica. I bought said beans, and they were incredible.

Learning the ropes beforehand with Luis.

After a particularly treacherous set of waves, we'd throw our paddles into the air and yell "Pura vida!" It's difficult to translate the full meaning, but it's basically a celebratory phrase regarding how wonderful life is.

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