Wednesday, March 28, 2012

7 Weeks in 33 Pictures

Seven weeks have passed since I last posted on the blog.

When I first stopped to consider how this occurred, I didn't quite understand.

Then, when I began to think about all that has happened, it became exceedingly obvious to me why I haven't had time to post.

In the past seven weeks, I:

Took a day trip into Amsterdam and ate breakfast at our favorite pannenkoeken place, the unbelievably tiny Upstairs Pannenkoekenhuis. (Photo stolen from Charlie.)
Sat at one of four tables.
Heard violinist Frank Peter Zimmermann perform with the New York Philharmonic in the Concertgebouw. Zimmermann is a genius. Don't ever miss a chance to see him.
Saw these tic tacs in a Dutch gas station and felt ASU pride. Go Devils!
Said goodbye to Rabbit Hill and the Netherlands.
Found the dressing room at Fort Myers High School decorated for my birthday...
...and the bathroom, too! (Per usual, my mom had been hard at work.)
Received hilarious gifts from the orchestra, including a Pilates book and The Idiot's Guide to Great Buns & Thighs.
Took a quick weekend trip over four days off to visit my friends in Washington, D.C. We stopped by the White House...
...and then lucked into second row seats for a live taping of Jim Gaffigan. (It's possible my face may be on Comedy Central when his "Mr. Universe" special starts airing.)
Caught up with my old roommate from Killington, Phil, who has since stopped playing viola and is now at Georgetown Law.
Got a behind-the-scenes tour of 918 F Street, a new endeavor by LivingSocial, which was being run by one of my best friends from college!
Crashed at Matt's place and threw an Oscars dinner party for our surprisingly large group of ASU friends who now live in D.C.
Visited Emma at the Newseum...
...and took this panoramic photo from the balcony. (Click to see it larger. The Capitol is on the left.)
Celebrated my 25th birthday at my 4th Annual Birthday Breakfast with the band in Clearwater, FL...
...and then they buried me in the sand on the beach.
Heard a live salsa band in Tampa and had a hilarious time dancing with Kristina. (Note: don't ever not dance with Kristina -- she's the most fun partner you could ever have.)
Saw this frog outside of our hotel...and then watched as it hopped into a hotel room with a cracked-open door.
Finished a three month tour and flew to NYC to visit my friends Matt and Lies'l.
Heard Lies'l sing a solo in Carnegie Hall with Northern Arizona University's Shrine of the Ages Choir.
Went on a post-concert cruise around the New York Harbor and saw the Statue of Liberty for the first time.
Ate at Mandoo Bar, tried to memorialize it with a picture, and only ended up laughing.
Relaxed in Central Park.
Stumbled upon the Carl Fischer building.
Saw these awesome signs on the stairs and walls of some random, hipster-y hotel.
Squeezed into a bookstore to see and hear The Moth, which I listen to on podcast frequently.
Had breakfast with Annette...
...and strolled along The High Line on Manhattan's West Side, a public park built on an historic, elevated rail line.
Spent three days at home and was delighted to find that Ben tucked himself into my suitcase while I packed.
Stayed on the 38th floor of the Marriott in Atlanta for the American String Teachers Association 2012 National Conference, where Barrage gave the closing performance last Saturday night.
Spent my days working with students, attending sessions, jamming, meeting all sorts of interesting people, hearing some incredible performances, catching up with friends, and having an absolute blast!
And, I didn't even manage to take pictures of my second visit to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando with Kristina and Tim!

Seven weeks. Thirty-three pictures. Done.

1 comment:

Allyson & Jere said...

Awesome! Loved the pics, love that you're enjoying life to the fullest.