Friday, October 2, 2009

Friends & Family

In Columbia, Maryland, one of my best friends since elementary school, Kim, came to the show. It was especially crazy having Kim come because apparently I gave her the videotape of “Barrage: World On Stage” to watch after I first saw it in 7th grade. I was thrilled, then, to hear that the show was “even better than she expected”!

July also provided the first opportunity for my family to come see the show. It was a strange scenario to have been performing in a band for over a year and never have had my parents see me in the show—especially, too, since I always talking about it to them on the phone!

We performed in Redlands, California, which is only about a 5.5 hour drive from my hometown of Mesa, AZ. Most people think that it’s crazy my family would drive 5.5 hours, but when you live out West, you’re used to driving long distances to get other places (San Diego is about 6 hours away, LA and Albuquerque are both about 7). Not only did my immediate family come, but also my friend Molly, as well as my grandma and her boyfriend, who flew in from Utah! We performed at the Redlands Bowl, as a part of their summer concert series (it's the oldest, free outdoor concert series in the country).

L to R: Mom, me, Dad, Grandma, Brother, Grandma's boyfriend
With Molly.
With my brother Scott.
Mom and brother with the band after the show.

And in yet another “small world” experience, I found evidence of my friend Nick, on a plaque at the Bowl, who won a competition there back in high school!

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