Friday, September 4, 2009

Denmark: Round Three

The first bit of July was spent abroad in Denmark and Italy. We were in each country for about a week, during which we performed in numerous festivals of all different kinds.

In Denmark, we performed in Nibe and Skagen (sidnote: the letter "g" in Danish is silent, so the name is pronounced skane). The city of Skagen is known for its spectacular summer sunsets on the beach which last for hours because of how far North the city is located. Every day during the summer, people camp out on the beach and make a whole evening out of watching the sunset. Though we didn't stay for the whole extravaganza, we did pay the beach a visit. (For referencing the length of the sunset, we were told that the sun would set around four hours after we had visited the beach and taken these pictures.)
The flip side of having the sun set so late and being so far North (around 10 or 11) is that the length of nighttime is is the quality of the nightiness. (That's right--I just said nightiness.) The following picture was taken at 3:40 AM from my hotel window.
Whenever I've played at festivals, they've usually been the kind that are a day or two long where people visiting sleep in hotels or homes. The festival in Nibe was quite the opposite. When we arrived at the festival site we drove through fields of patrons in tents who had been camping out for sometime, and then came upon our stage in the middle of the woods. It was such a neat location for a performance not only because it was in the woods, but also because we had these little camper/hut-type things in the Artist's Hospitality area! It was quite a nice place to just sit and pass away the afternoon as we waited for our 10:00 PM showtime to roll around.
The view from the stage.
All in all, I'd rate my third trip to Denmark with Barrage as a resounding success.

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