Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Parent Trap

Three days ago, Kristina knocked on my hotel room door in Rockwall, Texas, and said, smilingly, "Hey Taylor, are you busy?"  As I was merely surfing facebook and digging around in blogger, I wasn't really occupied.  "I want to show you a funny video I just found online."  I stepped back and gestured for her to come into the room.  "Oh, just come over to my room--I've already got it up on my computer."  So, I grabbed my key and walked across the hall into Kristina's room.

...wait, why is my dad in your room?

As it turns out, my parents had just flown in to surprise me.  It had all been an elaborate scheme, and nearly everyone in the band had known!  I've written before about how my parents are big on surprises, and they definitely got me with this one.  

As we're not performing anywhere near Arizona this year, my parents had talked about coming to our performance in Rockwall earlier this summer as it would have coincided with a trip to Texas they needed to make.  However, a few weeks ago, their trip got rescheduled, and it appeared as if my parents were no longer going to be coming to Texas to see the show.  But while I was busy moving on and assuming my parents weren't coming, my mom was busy arranging this surprise with Kristina--they had booked hotels, arranged cars, set aside comp tickets, and had otherwise conspired against me.  And I had absolutely no idea. 

Well-played, mom and dad.  Well-played.

The past few days were--quite obviously--wonderful.  Not only did they get a little more insight into what my life is actually like on the road (i.e. lots of waiting around, long drives, and the like), but I also got to hang out with them and discuss all the things that have been on my mind, and all the happenings of these past weeks.  Granted, they're always available via phone and e-mail, but it can be hard to find an hour or two to make phone calls when you know they'll be long ones.  And, they got to see two more great shows; one in Rockwall, TX, and a return to play with Revolution in Abilene, TX.

The Paramount Theatre in Abilene, TX.
L to R: Mom, me, Charlie, Dad, Tim, Annette, Hidayat, Naseem (Barrage alum who lives near Dallas), and Kristina.

I was also particularly excited that my parents got to experience the proverbial "lunch adventure," which refers to a meal, usually in the middle of nowhere, when we have absolutely no idea about the quality or type of food we'll be eating upon entering some random mom and pop establishment.  Yesterday's lunch adventure was, indeed, quite the gamble.

Charlie had discovered on his iPhone that there was a restaurant in Thurber, TX, which may be worth the visit.  However, when you're in the middle of nowhere on the interstate, not very many establishments or towns are actually worth visiting.

But not many establishments are the SmokeStack Restaurant.  And not many towns are Thurber, with a population of 5.  Seriously.  Five.  Formerly an old boom town with over 10,000 residents, the only people who remain are the Bennett Family.

There it is.  Thurber, Texas. The Bennett's house is visible in the distance.

My parents left this morning to fly back to Arizona.

Thank you to all of those involved in the scheme: Kristina & the band, Tyla (who got my parents free, standby airline tickets), and all of the neighbors who are watering my mom's garden, and feeding Ben (our cat) and Jack (our beta fish)...but hopefully you didn't feed Jack to Ben.

I'm so lucky to have such awesome parents!  Thanks Mom and Dad!


Allyson & Jere said...

Yay! for fun surprises like that. How fantastic that they got to experience a little life on the road with you. Now, when will you be home to visit ME?

Mindy said...

No, I am the "lucky" one!