Sunday, October 18, 2009

National Treasure 3: Less Nicholas Cage, More Annette & Charlie

A few weeks ago we were performing just outside Washington, D.C. and had the opportunity to spend a full morning sight-seeing in the city.

As Annette had never seen D.C. before, Kiana and I took it upon ourselves as the resident Americans in our little self-initiated sight-seeing group to show her the national treasures. Though we only had a few hours, we attempted to tackle as many of the big sights on the National Mall as possible.

Below are some of the pictures from our
quick trip.

Annette, Kiana, Charlie and John (one of our managers) in front of the Washington Monument.

Annette marvels at the size of the Washington Monument, directly underneath it.

Annette on the Mall.

Arizona pride at the WWII Memorial.

Kiana and Annette at WWII.

Michigan pride at WWII.

Charlie, Kiana, Annette and myself.

Annette, who lived in NY for 3 years, displays her NY pride.

Though Charlie has no affiliation to Kentucky, we had just visited Louisville (which is awesome), so we felt inclined to show our gratitude with this photo.

Annette at Lincoln.

Annette marvels at the Mall.

And, of course, no trip to D.C. would be complete without a trip to the White House.


Alli said...

I just bought a ticket for your Tucson performance. I'm SO excited to see you up on stage! See you Friday. :)

Allyson & Jere said...

FUN! I love D.C., you're so blessed to be able to see all of these wonderful places!